Do you have enough funds in your Kraken account and now you wish to sell them off in order to earn some additional funds through them? Well, if you are a new user, you may not understand how Kraken exchange works and how to sell off funds from it. However, you should note that using Kraken or selling crypto tokens through it is not a difficult task as you can easily do so by referring to the instructions that are listed below.
Whether it is about selling Bitcoin or any other crypto token through your account, you should be ready with your Kraken login details. Therefore, through this article, we will be walking you through the complete procedure to sell crypto tokens from Kraken.
In case you have not signed up for a Kraken account already, then you need to open a trading account first so that you can start buying or selling off crypto tokens.
Learning how to sell crypto on Kraken
The stepwise procedure from beginning to end has been listed below. Just make sure that you follow these steps very carefully:
Sign up and set a strong password for the Kraken login
Now, it is important that you verify your account to make transactions
After making sure that you have a verified account, you need to generate a deposit address
After generating the deposit address, you can send crypto to this newly generated address
When the transaction undergoes completion, the purchased cryptos would be credited to your account on the Kraken account
Now, it's time to sell your cryptos and for this, you need to open the "New Order" page
Very carefully, fill in the order form and then select the "SELL" option
Make sure that you have checked the charts for learning the right moment for trading
The article and the details are given above clearly explain to you how you can easily fund your Kraken exchange account and then sell the funds available on it at the right time. Make sure that you keep on checking the price chart so that you can make better choices and get good rates for the same. In case you run into any kind of hurdles, you can contact the Kraken team for the same.