Robinhood crypto exchange is pretty restrictive for the users who want to transfer their funds on it. You can store the funds in your Robinhood wallet. But in case you want to transfer funds to another crypto exchange then you might be disappointed. However, there is a way that can help you to transfer funds to Robinhood. Members of Robinhood wallet can do so by following certain steps that we are going to discuss below on this page. These steps might be different and it will depend on the type of device that you are using such as mobile or web. This is necessary to link a bank account number to transfer funds using the Robinhood wallet.
Ways to transfer funds to a bank account on Robinhood
Your funds that are stored in the Robinhood wallet can be transferred via mobile and web. It is at your convenience that you want to choose to transfer the funds.
Transfer funds via web
The following steps will let you transfer the funds with the help of a desktop/laptop.
1. Using a browser, visit the Robinhood wallet login page
2. Provide the wallet login details to access it
3. Head to the upper-right corner and click the ‘Account’ button
4. Find and click on the ‘Banking’ option
5. Now, you need to click the ‘Transfer Funds’ option
6. Choose the amount and then submit the request
Transfer from mobile
The steps that are given below will let you transfer all of your money from Robinhood via mobile:
1. Open the Robinhood mobile app
2. Click the ‘Account’ option
3. Choose the ‘Transfer to Your Bank’ option
4. Now, provide the bank account and choose the amount
5. Check the above fields and click the ‘Submit’ button
6. Now, the selected amount will be transferred to the bank
In short, users of Robinhood wallet can transfer the funds to their bank account. The complete procedure to transfer funds from Robinhood is discussed above on this page. So, if you are also looking to transfer crypto tokens from Robinhood to any other wallet then you can easily do so by referring to this post. Make sure to collect the bank account details before proceeding otherwise you may have to face difficulties in completing the process quickly.